Journal of Industrial Engineering and Technology (JIETech) is a scentific journal which aims to help develop knowledge in the field of Industrial Engineering, containing research result and theoritical studies from lecturers, industrial engineering students, researchers and industrial practitioners. JIETech is managed and published by the Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Balikpapan.

JIETech is published twice a years, in January and July. The editorial team accepts articles or scientific papers that contain research results, literature studies, or review activities that are closely related to the field of Industrial Engineering. JIETech consists of fifteen focus issues: 

(1) Work Design and Measurement;
(2) Operations Research and Analysis;
(3) Decision Analysis and Methods;
(4) Facilities Engineering and Engineering Management;
(5) Quality and Reliability Engineering;
(6) Human Factors, Ergonomics, and Safety;
(7) Operations Engineering & Management;
(8) Supply Chain Management and Logistics;
(9) Engineering Management;
(10) Information System, Business Process Management;
(11) Product Design & Development;
(12) System Design & Engineering;
(13) Project Management;
(14) Simulation & Stochastic Models;
(15) Material Management.